Songwriter, Speaker, Author

Hi guys. I’m Rev Bobby Eustace. Welcome to my website and my second half. Feel free to look around and before you leave, send me a quick note to let me know how you liked your stay.
In the last few years, I’ve embraced my passions for music, writing and Unconditional Love. Check out my latest song “Unconditional” and look for my book scheduled for publishing in 2025.
First, here is a little about myself. I’ve always wanted to serve humanity. So I started to pursue a career in medicine. But after four years of study, I chose to turn to a Theological degree and embrace a life of Christian service as an ordained minister. After planting a church in Salem and another in the suburbs of Philadelphia, I found myself at a crossroads. I “awakened” out of a conditional and divisive doctrine to discover the unifying power of Unconditional Love that I express in my music and writings. That’s when I started the Love…just Love REVolution (a quiet revolution of the heart).
It has been called the anthem of the REVolution.

My Quiet REVolution
Publishing 2025
“Religion is love plus conditions. But Unconditional Love is, well, UNCONDITIONAL.”
Rev Bobby Eustace